Posts Categorized: Customer Connections

How to Create a Lasting First Impression with your Trade Show Booth

first impressions, trade show display

In a recent study of key executives about their marketing strategies for the upcoming year, 31% said that live events, like trade shows, are their most effective way to capture new leads/customers. That being said – there are right ways to effectively marketing at trade shows and then there are…other ways. Huffington Post offers 15 Trade Show Secrets and… Read more »

3 People You Encounter at a Trade Show

Although it may seem presumptuous to categorize trade show attendees into groups; those that have frequented these events will agree there does seem to be consistency in the characters we encounter. So the question is “How do I maximize on the brief encounter to, not only benefit my business, but also to offer a solution… Read more »

How Trade Shows Provide Sales Growth Opportunities

The concept of participating in a trade show for the first time may seem like a daunting undertaking for the operational and marketing leaders of an organization. However, the long term benefits far outweigh the initial planning and financial investment. The trade show experts from E&E Exhibit Solutions of Tempe, Arizona offer concrete benefits that… Read more »

The Number One Trade Show Expense

trade show expense

But there is one expense so great that if not properly prepared for can be like flushing the cost of your booth down the proverbial commode.   That expense? Your staff.  If your staff isn’t prepared, well trained, and excited about the trade show experience, you might as well just set up an unmanned table… Read more »